Turcotte, M., & Zhao, J.
Drawing on data from the 2001 Census and the Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this article describes the well-being of off-reserve Indigenous children under age 14. It focuses on the following indicators: parent-rated health of children, accidental injuries, eating breakfast, breastfeeding, birthweight, learning, preschool programs, participation in extra-curricular activities, school success, getting along with peers and teachers, parental education, and speaking and understanding an Indigenous language.
Well-being of off-reserve Aboriginal children.
Turcotte, M., & Zhao, J. (2004). Well-being of off-reserve Aboriginal children. Canadian Social Trends, Winter, 22-27.
January 2024
Nutrition Cultural Safety
Mental Health First Nations Health Culture and Language COVID-19
First Nations Health Nutrition Food Safety and Security Environmental Health Cardiovascular Health
November 2023
Child Health