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Teaching Culturally Safe Care in Simulated Cultural Communication Scenarios During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Virtual Visits with Indigenous Animators


Maar, M., McGregor, L., Desjardins, D., Delaney, K.Z., Bessette, N., & Reade, M.


This article analyzes simulated cultural communication scenarios during virtual visits implemented by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concludes that medical students preferred in-person scenarios to virtual interactions and that further training on the system is needed. Additionally, the results suggest the importance of resolving negative feelings (eg, unease, embarrassment, and anxiety) of medical students when interacting with Indigenous patients in the safety of the classroom.

Resource available in English only.

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Teaching Culturally Safe Care in Simulated Cultural Communication Scenarios During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Virtual Visits with Indigenous Animators.

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