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Monitoring of Umbilical Cord Blood Lead Levels and Sources Assessment among the Inuit


Lévesque, B., Duchesne, J.-F., Gariépy, C., Rhainds, M., Dumas, P., Scheuhammer, A.M., Proulx, J.-F., Déry, S., Muckle, G., Dalliare, F., & Dewailly, É.


This short report presents an analysis of the lead concentration in umbilical cord blood from samples taken over a three-year period from Inuit newborns in Nunavik. The results indicate that lead shot used for game hunting was an important source of lead exposure in the Inuit population, as evidenced by the significant drop in lead concentration in the umbilical cord after the intervention of public health aimed at reducing the use of these projectiles.

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Monitoring of Umbilical Cord Blood Lead Levels and Sources Assessment among the Inuit.

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