January 23, 2023
On my office wall, a framed print has a quote reading, “Dream It Into Being.”
That phrase has guided my work for 30 years. Dreaming it into being has been a collective dream, not mine alone, and it is one we have realized at National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH).
I thank you all for your part in making this dream a reality!
It has been a profound honour to serve as Academic Leader of the NCCIH for the past two decades. During this time, I have watched the centre grow from an idea to a flourishing organization. We have had incredible opportunities to create transformation and change. We have influenced policy through the creation of evidence informed report recommendations. We have created resources such as Determinants of Indigenous Health textbooks. We have championed topic specific webinars, podcasts and videos. And we are well known for supporting individuals and communities by sharing knowledge through national in-person dialogues and by providing free access to on line resources. Our work centres on holding up and honouring First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ ways of life and being through our strategic plan. We have always been committed to privileging Indigenous’ voices in all that we do. All of this and much more is available to you on the NCCIH website!
It is with humility and excitement that I now continue my work in my new role as an independent Senator.
Under strong new leadership, that the NCCIH will unveil and announce in the coming weeks, I have every confidence the NCCIH will continue to do amazing work. I am also committed to never being too far away! I know the NCCIH will remain a leader in supporting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ optimal well-being, and that of all people, living from coast to coast to coast in Canada.
With much respect and gratitude,
Hiy Hiy
Margo Greenwood, PhD, O.C.