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Blackstock, S.

Engaging with humility: Authentic interpersonal communication in partnership with Indigenous people

December 2021

Engaging with humility is an original chapter designed for nursing students and interprofessional teams to learn how to authentically engage in a wholistic, relational approach with Indigenous peoples. A wholistic approach in partnership with Indigenous people at all points of care brings new understandings of the interrelationships of protocols, culture, and reflexivity grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

The author focuses on enhancing interpersonal communication with Indigenous people through developing awareness of self and others in ways that will enable authentic engagement. These ways are grounded in principles of cultural safety and cultural humility. The chapter aims to enhance understanding of the critical elements of a decolonizing approach and how to apply them in relational interactions with Indigenous peoples. This includes learning about the importance of protocols in engaging with Indigenous communities, the foundations of engagement with Indigenous peoples, the interrelatedness of Indigenous ways of knowing and being within relational interactions, and communication skills that engage with cultural safety, cultural competence, and cultural humility. The chapter also draws attention to relevant documents that professional nursing organizations have released related to professional communication with Indigenous peoples and interprofessional and paraprofessional teams. To facility learning, the chapter includes some simulation exercises and case examples.


Blackstock, S. (2022). Engaging with humility: Authentic interpersonal communication in partnership with Indigenous people. In C. Mallette & O. Yonge (eds.), Arnold and Boggs’s Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for Canadian nurses (pp. 128-146), Canadian edition. Elsevier Canada.


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