Knowledge Resources & Publications

Seeing Clearly: A Community-Based Inquiry Into Vision Care Access For a Rural Northern First Nation

July 2015

Seeing Clearly: A Community-Based Inquiry Into Vision Care Access For a Rural Northern First Nation

Individuals living in rural northern First Nations communities have multiple barriers to eye care services. This article analyses feedback from key informant interviews from Indigenous employees at the Woyenne health office of the Lake Babine First Nation to assess more salient and nuanced factors affecting a community's ability to access eye care. Participants shared their knowledge and opinions about the current state of eye care services in their communities, and identified facilitators and barriers of eye care, including awareness of eye care services and attitudes regarding eye care, as well as social, cultural and economic factors. The article also discusses community needs and preferences related to eye care within their community.


Brise, L.S., & de Leeuw, S. (2015). Seeing clearly: A community-based inquiry into vision care access for a rural northern First Nation. Canadian Journal of Optometry, 77(2), 34-42.