Knowledge Resources & Publications


Video – Chapter 1– Structural determinants of Aboriginal Peoples' health, with Charlotte Loppie

November 2016

In this video, Charlotte Loppie’s explanation of the structural elements of health disparities helps provide a framework for understanding why health inequities persist despite decades of well-intentioned policies and programs that have aimed to address the chronic illnesses and health issues faced by many Indigenous communities. She uses the metaphor of a tree to explain how three separate, but interdependent components of society work together to shape and structure the context of health outcomes. This video relates to chapter 1 of the textbook Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social.

The NCCIH has developed Beyond the Social: Author Interviews, a series of eleven videos featuring interviews with some of the authors and editors of Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. The videos offer real-world insight and perspective that illuminate key concepts in the book, but they can also be used as stand-alone learning tools for anyone teaching or promoting Indigenous health and well-being. Follow the links below to view the other videos.

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