A responsive web site
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) is very pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved web site. The new web site utilizes a customized responsive PDF reader from the digital content platform ISSUU (issuu.com). Web site visitors can now read, search within, download, and easily socially share NCCIH knowledge resources without leaving the web site. This means that all of our online publications, including our multimedia resources, can now be easily viewed on all devices including desktops, tablets, and phones.
The Aboriginal Health Researchers at Canadian Universities resource has now been digitized and is available as a searchable feature on the new web site. This resource is a comprehensive listing of researchers who are affiliated with a Canadian university and have a wide range of expertise related to the health of Indigenous peoples. These researchers have undertaken some form of research related to the health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis peoples, ranging from one study to a lifetime of work in a particular area. Additionally, from the same resource, research institutes and organizations from across Canada undertaking Indigenous health research and knowledge translation are also listed and searchable.
The NCCIH invites review of these new digitized resources and feedback, suggested resources, or entry edits can be sent to nccih@unbc.ca
As a leading knowledge translation organization on Indigenous health and well-being, we rely on improvements to technology to help us move information into the hands of users. A responsive web site means that community people, health professionals, researchers and policy-makers who rely on our publications can now view them on their mobile devices. This is really an exciting development for us!
Dr. Margo Greenwood
We encourage you to visit, browse through, and share our new web site at nccih.ca on the device of your choice!