Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

A Holistic Model for the Selection of Environmental Assessment Indicators to Assess the Impact of Industrialization on Indigenous Health


Kryzanowski, J.A., & McIntyre, L.


To address the inadequacy of mainstream environmental assessment methodologies for assessing the health, social, and cultural impacts of concern for Canadian Indigenous communities affected by industrialization, the authors present a holistic, culturally-appropriate framework for selecting Indigenous health indicators for baseline health assessment, impact prediction, and monitoring of impacts over time. This model conceptualizes individual and community determinants as a product of multiple intersecting determinants of health that span social, economic, and political contexts.

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A Holistic Model for the Selection of Environmental Assessment Indicators to Assess the Impact of Industrialization on Indigenous Health.

Kryzanowski, J.A., & McIntyre, L. (2011). A holistic model for the selection of environmental assessment indicators to assess the impact of industrialization on Indigenous health. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 102, 112-117.

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