Early Child Development Collection

An Inquiry of Early Childhood Development in a First Nation Community: Exploring how Families Experience Accessing Services


Francis, J.

Dalhousie University


The author undertook a qualitative, community-based, participatory study to gain an understanding about how Mi'kmaq families in Nova Scotia experience accessing early childhood development services. The study examined what early childhood development means to the Mi'kmaw community, what community members and parents interpret as priorities of healthy child development, what community strengths exist, and what the major gaps in services or barriers to care are. Key findings can inform policy and practice and improve services that support the optimal development of First Nations children.

Link to Resource

An Inquiry of Early Childhood Development in a First Nation Community: Exploring how Families Experience Accessing Services.

Francis, J. (2023). An inquiry of early childhood development in a First Nation community: Exploring how families experience accessing services [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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