Cultural Safety Collection

Cultural Safety Task Force Report: Gathering Wisdom Forum (GWX), January 14-16, 2020


British Columbia Health Regulators


This report summarizes proceedings from a recurring conference where First Nations governance, health and wellness leaders can dialogue with the First Nations Health Authority on health programs and services and opportunities in the areas of health and wellness. The report highlights responses from representatives about providing culturally safe care, including what regulators should know about the care that health professionals do or don't provide, what they can do better to help guarantee cultural safety in healthcare services, and how one knows when they have received culturally safe care.

Link to Resource

Cultural Safety Task Force Report: Gathering Wisdom Forum (GWX), January 14-16, 2020.

British Columbia Health Regulators. (2020). Cultural Safety Task Force Report: Gathering Wisdom Forum (GWX), January 14-16, 2020.  Vancouver, BC: Author.

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