Cultural Safety Collection

Ethical Spaces and Places: Indigenous Cultural Safety in British Columbia Health Care


Greenwood, M., Lindsay, N., King, J., & Loewen, D.

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples


This article discusses how two different organizations (one a research and knowledge transformation centre and the other a regional health authority) in northern BC are working to transform the health system in ways that are anchored in the concepts and practices of cultural safety, Two-Eyed Seeing, and ethical space. Specifically, it examines the work of the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health and Northern Health. The authors argue that both cultural safety and ethical space are crucial for reconciliation and relationship building efforts, and for cultural safety to be genuine and effective, it must take place within an ethical space.

Link to Resource

Ethical Spaces and Places: Indigenous Cultural Safety in British Columbia Health Care.

Greenwood, M., Lindsay, N., King, J., & Loewen, D. (2017). Ethical spaces and places: Indigenous cultural safety in British Columbia health care. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 13(3), 179–189. 

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