Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Exposure of Inuit in Greenland to Organochlorines Through the Marine Diet


Bjerregaard, P., Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Pars, T., Ferron, L., & Mulvad, G.

Taylor & Francis


In this study, the authors examine exposure to organochlorines in relation to age, sex, and diet in a general population sample from Inuit living in Greenland.

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Exposure of Inuit in Greenland to Organochlorines Through the Marine Diet

Bjerregaard, P., Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Pars, T., Ferron, L., & Mulvad, G. (2001). Exposure of Inuit in Greenland to organochlorines through the marine diet. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 62(2), 69-81.

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