Cultural Safety Collection

Indigenous-Specific Cultural Safety Within Health and Dementia Care: A Scoping Review of Reviews


Chakanyuka, C., Bascu, J.R., DesRoches, A., Dame, J., Carrier, L., Symenuk, P., O'Connell, M.E., Crowshoe, L., Walker, J., & Bourque Bearskin, L.


This scoping review identifies key elements, conceptualizations, and interventions of cultural safety to improve health services and dementia care for Indigenous Peoples. The article discusses the role of redistribution of power, respectful communication, tailored resources, training, reflexivity, and Indigenous health leadership in supporting culturally safe, rights-based, and relational demential care.

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Indigenous-Specific Cultural Safety Within Health and Dementia Care: A Scoping Review of Reviews.

Chakanyuka, C., Bascu, J.R., DesRoches, A., Dame, J., Carrier, L., Symenuk, P., O'Connell, M.E., Crowshoe, L., Walker, J., & Bourque Bearskin, L. (2022). Indigenous-specific cultural safety within health and dementia care: A scoping review of reviews. Social Science & Medicine, 293, 1-17.

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