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Indigenous Approaches to Public Health: Lessons Learned from Yukon First Nation Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Council of Yukon First Nations, Alatini, M., Johnston, K., Perrin, A., Klein, R., Staples, K., & McTavish, K.

Northern Research Forum & University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security


The authors investigated the intergovernmental dynamics at play during the COVID-19 response in the Yukon, with the goal of identifying lessons learned for interjurisdictional emergency and pandemic response. Their analysis highlights challenges and lessons learned in relation to Yukon First Nation self-determination in emergency planning, critical challenges faced by communities in emergency response, and lessons for future pandemic planning and public health strategies in the Yukon.

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Indigenous Approaches to Public Health: Lessons Learned from Yukon First Nation Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Council of Yukon First Nations, Alatini, M., Johnston, K., Perrin, A., Klein, R., Staples, K., & McTavish, K. (2023). Indigenous approaches to public health: Lessons learned from Yukon First Nation responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Arctic Yearbook 2023 Special Issue: Arctic Pandemics, 7, 1-21.

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