Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Lived Experience of a Record Wildfire Season in the Northwest Territories, Canada


Dodd, W., Scott, P., Howard, C., Scott, C., Rose, C., Cunsolo, A., & Orbinski, J.



Climate change is resulting in increased incidence and intensity of wildfires in Canada and globally. This article explores the experiences of individuals in four communities of the Northwest Territories with the 2014 wildfire season, and the impacts to their livelihood and land-based activities, and their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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Lived Experience of a Record Wildfire Season in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Dodd, W., Scott, P., Howard, C., Scott, C., Rose, C., Cunsolo, A., & Orbinski, J. (2018). Lived experience of a record wildfire season in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 109, 327-337.

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