Van de Sande, A., & Menzies, P.
This article examines whether there are any differences between Native and non-Native parenting and in what areas do First Nations parents need support. The authors developed a 55 item questionnaire based on a parenting program called Cherish the Children, with questions on family life skills, communication skills, child development issues, teaching and learning skills, and nutrition, health and safety issues. The questionnaire was administered among urban Anishnabe participants in Ontario.
Native and mainstream parenting: A comparative study.
Van de Sande, A., & Menzies, P. (2003). Native and mainstream parenting: A comparative study. Native Social Work Journal, 4(1), 126-39.
January 2023
Cultural Safety Urban Indigenous Population Professional development
Health Services Cultural Safety Urban Indigenous Population
Parenting Early Child Development
Parenting Child Welfare Early Child Development