Pierce, A., Singh, S., Lee, J., Grant, C., Cruz de Jesus, V., & Schroth, R.J.
This article provides a review of the literature describing the prevalence and associated risk factors for early childhood caries (ECC) in Canada, and its impact on childhood health. The authors highlight the strong association between ECC and social determinants of health.
The burden of early childhood caries in Canadian children and associated risk factors.
Pierce, A., Singh, S., Lee, J., Grant, C., Cruz de Jesus, V., & Schroth, R.J. (2019). The burden of early childhood caries in Canadian children and associated risk factors. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 328.
November 2023
Child Health
January 2023
Child Health Disability Cultural Safety
Child Health Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare
Determinants Inuit Health Health Services Social Services Early Child Development