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Metals Contamination and Chemical Exposures in Canada's "Chemical Valley": Implications for the Aamjiwnaang First Nation


Cryderman, D.K.

University of Michigan


This dissertation, conducted in partnership with the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, aimed to enhance understanding of chemical contamination and exposures. Key components of the study included: a study of metals contamination in stream ecosystems on-reserve within the surrounding Chemical Valley and a reference community; an assessment of mercury concentrations of sediments and soils at stream sites on reserve and in the reference community; an examination of human exposures of mercury on mother-child pairs; and an assessment of chemical exposure on Aamjiwnaang mothers and children.

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Metals Contamination and Chemical Exposures in Canada's "Chemical Valley": Implications for the Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Cryderman, D.K. (2013). Metals contamination and chemical exposures in Canada's "Chemical Valley": Implications for the Aamjiwnaang First Nation [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. Univeristy of Michigan.

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