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Impacts of Environmental Changes on Well-being in Indigenous Communities in Eastern Canada


Fuentes, L., Asselin, H., Bélisle, A.C., & Labra, O.


The authors report findings from a survey examining the impacts of environmental changes resulting from climate change and natural resource extraction on the health and well-being of members of four Indigenous communities in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. They also explore the mitigating effects of sociodemographic characteristics and protective factors, finding the effect of resilience to be opposite to what was expected.

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Impacts of Environmental Changes on Well-being in Indigenous Communities in Eastern Canada.

Fuentes, L., Asselin, H., Bélisle, A.C., & Labra, O. (2020). Impacts of environmental changes on well-being in Indigenous communities in Eastern Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 637.

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