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Climate Change, Wellbeing and Resilience in the Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck: The Moccasin Telegraph Goes Global


Lemelin, H., Matthews, D., Mattina, C., McIntyre, N., Johnston, M., Koster, R., & Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck


In this qualitative study, the authors use the concept of well-being to explore climate change impacts on the subsistence activities, resource management, and conservation strategies of the Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck. They also explore the impacts of globalization on climate change awareness.

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Climate Change, Wellbeing and Resilience in the Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck: The Moccasin Telegraph Goes Global.

Lemelin, H., Matthews, D., Mattina, C., McIntyre, N., Johnston, M., Koster, R., & Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck. (2010). Climate change, wellbeing and resilience in the Weenusk First Nation at Peawanuck: The Moccasin Telegraph goes global. Rural and Remote Health, 10, 1333.

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