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Miýo-pimatisiwin Developing Indigenous Cultural Responsiveness Theory (ICRT): Improving Indigenous Health and Well-Being.


Sasakamoose, J., Bellegarde, T., Sutherland, W., Pete, S., & McKay-McNabb, K.


This article presents the Indigenous Cultural Responsive Theory (ICRT) as a decolonized pathway designed to guide research that continuously improves the health, education, governance, and policies of Indigenous Peoples in Saskatchewan.

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Miýo-pimatisiwin Developing Indigenous Cultural Responsiveness Theory (ICRT): Improving Indigenous Health and Well-Being.

Sasakamoose, J., Bellegarde, T., Sutherland, W., Pete, S., & McKay-McNabb, K. (2017). Miýo-pimatisiwin Developing Indigenous cultural responsiveness theory (ICRT): Improving Indigenous health and well-being. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(4),1.

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