Knowledge Resources & Publications


Podcast Series : TB Talks Season 2 – A Community Outbreak Story

December 2020

TB Talks 2
— A Community Outbreak Story

Produced in partnership with the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID), this 4-episode series follows the course of a 2019 TB outbreak in a small First Nations community in northern Saskatchewan. See the links below to access all 4 podcasts as well as transcripts of each episodes.

  • Episode 1: The Face of the First Case — Our first episode takes us to the beginning – the story of how a young adult fell through the cracks of a strained health system to become the outbreak’s index case.
  • Episode 2: My Four-Year-Old Son — Episode two describes the complex TB journey of a young mother and her four year old son, before, during and after learning that he had contracted a rare form of the disease.
  • Episode 3: Get Away from Me — Our third episode looks deeper into the impact of stigma and the experiences of a motivated young woman whose world was up-ended by TB at multiple points throughout her life.
  • Episode 4: What it Takes — In the final episode of this series, TB program staff reflect on their lessons from the outbreak, including what worked well, and what is still needed for TB elimination.

This series provides in-depth stories of TB survivors and front line workers, educational information on promising strategies for an effective community outbreak response, as well as insights into what is necessary to end tuberculosis in northern First Nations communities.

Created as part of the TB Talks Podcast Series, TB Talks Season 2 follows on the success of NCCID's TB Talks Season 1 — Conversations to End TB , a five-part series featuring one-on-one interviews with experts who attended a meeting of the International Union against Tuberculosis – North American Region (NAR). Topics include cultural humility, new digital technologies, Indigenous determinants of TB, and post-landing surveillance.

Listen to TB Talks 1 — Conversations to End TB 2017