A fourth forum on Indigenous determinants of health

“Nakistowinan (Stop In) – Pimicisok (Stock Up) – Kapesik (Stay Over)”

Castle Butte, Big Mud Valley, Saskatchewan

The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) held the Fourth National Forum on Indigenous Determinants of Health: “Nakistowinan (Stop In) – Pimicisok (Stock Up) – Kapesik (Stay Over)” on November 28-29, 2017 in Ottawa.

This was the culmination of a series of four forums focused on the intersections of determinants that underlie disparities in First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples’ health. The first three national forums include: Circles of health: Sharing our gifts (Ottawa, 2008), From Visions to actions: Second forum on social determinants of Aboriginal peoples’ health (Vancouver, 2009), and Transforming Our Realities: The determinants of health and Indigenous Peoples (December 2-3, 2015, Ottawa).

Framed within the national dialogue of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action towards reconciliation and international strides to advance Indigenous rights, the main goals of the forum were to:

  • discuss and share practical examples of the structural, systemic and community level applications of a determinants of health approach to the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples;
  • share successes and identify lessons learned from efforts to implement practical actions and collaborative approaches at the international, national, regional and community levels;
  • explore perspectives and implications arising from the Calls of Actions of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; and
  • vision ongoing relationships of mutual respect and commitment to the optimal health and well-being of Indigenous peoples.


Castle Butte, Big Mud Valley, Saskatchewan

The forum brought together representatives from diverse national and provincial Indigenous organizations, federal and provincial/territorial governments, Indigenous and non-Indigenous health organizations, practitioners and researchers. Through speakers, panel presentations, networking, and sharing experiences with one another in smaller table discussions, participants were able to enhance their understandings of the national and international contexts on the determinants of Indigenous peoples’ health and well-being.

The proceedings report is accompanied by a digital video compilation of the forum. This digital video, which you can watch on-line, showcases footage from the keynotes and panel discussions.



With our thanks to:

Elder Jan Kahehti:io Longboat Thank you for accepting our invitation to close our gathering in such a kind and generous way. Your teachings braided together the insights, wisdom and stories shared by participants at the meeting.

Councillor Jim Meness Thank you for welcoming us to your traditional territory of the Algonquin Peoples.

Elders Minnie Matoush and Sally Webster Many thanks for your generous and kind words which ensured that the gathering was opened and closed in a good way.

Mr. Harold Tarbell Thank you for your respectful facilitation of our gathering, keeping us on track and making sure we met the objectives set out in our agenda.

Ms. Colleen Stevenson We always appreciate your ability to bring imagery, colour and art to the words that are shared by participants at our gatherings.

Big Soul Productions Thank you for documenting our gathering and working with us on the development of the accompanying video to this report.

Fiddleground, All Nations Dance Troupe and Fara Palmer and Tiffany Moses There was an energy created when we heard and experienced the songs and dances you shared with us, thank you.

The NCCIH would also like to acknowledge and thank our keynote speakers and all panelists for sharing their time, experience, insights and wisdom.

This event has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.