Luo, Z.-C., Wilkins, R., Heaman, M., Smylie, J., Martens, P.J., McHugh, N.G.L., Labranche, E., Simonet, F., Wassimi, S., Minich, K., & Fraser, W.D.
This article compares birth outcomes (infant death, postneonatal death, perinatal death, macrosomia, preterm births) among First Nations, Inuit and non-Indigenous people in Quebec and examines associations by northern and southern residence.
Birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations, Inuit, and non-Indigenous women by northern versus southern residence.
Luo, Z.-C., Wilkins, R., Heaman, M., Smylie, J., Martens, P.J., McHugh, N.G.L., Labranche, E., Simonet, F., Wassimi, S., Minich, K., & Fraser, W.D. (2010). Birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations, Inuit, and non-Indigenous women by northern versus southern residence. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 66(4), 328-333.
January 2023
Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare Northern and Remote Communities
Mental Health Child Health Maternal Health Early Child Development Birth Outcomes
January 2022
Health Services Cultural Safety Northern and Remote Communities
Maternal Health Health Services Health Equity Cultural Safety Perinatal health Women's Health