Heck, C., Cobos, S., Carnevale, F., Macdonald, M.E., & Polson, P.P.
University of Toronto
The authors undertook a consultation exercise with two Anishinabeg communities in Quebec to inform a scoping review on the inclusion of Indigenous pedagogy in curricular development. This consultation phase aimed to identify Anishinaabe perspectives on and experiences of child-focused professional practices; determine how child-focused professionals are currently prepared to work with young Anishinabeg peoples; and articulate how they should be prepared. This article summarizes key themes from that consultation exercise.
Indigenous Pedagogy on Childhood: A Consultation with the Two Anishinabeg Communities of Long Point First Nation and Rapid Lake, Quebec.
Heck, C., Cobos, S., Carnevale, F., Macdonald, M.E., & Polson, P.P. (2023). Indigenous Pedagogy on Childhood: A Consultation with the Two Anishinabeg Communities of Long Point First Nation and Rapid Lake, Quebec. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 18(1), 1-14.
January 2023
First Nations Health Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare
Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare
Child Health Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare
Early Child Development Early Learning & Childcare Northern and Remote Communities