Cultural Safety Collection

Inuit Sexual and Reproductive Health: Supporting Inuit Families and Communities - Distinctions Based Indigenous Health Legislation - Engagement Report


Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

Pautuutit Inuit Women of Canada


This report provides an overview of key themes that emerged from an engagement session hosted by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada with health care workers, administators, nurses, researchers, elders, and mothers about their experiences in the Canadian health care system. The report presents recommendations for building an equitable foundation for Inuit sexual and reproductive health in Canada through distinctions-based legislation.

Link to Resource

Inuit Sexual and Reproductive Health: Supporting Inuit Families and Communities - Distinctions Based Indigenous Health Legislation - Engagement Report.

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. (2022). Inuit sexual and reproductive health: Supporting Inuit families and communities. Distinctions based Indigenous health legislation - engagement report.

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