Early Child Development Collection

Quality and Educator Dispositions for Indigenous Families in the Urban Early Learning and Child Care Context: A Scoping Review


Freeborn, C., Mardhani-Bayne, A., & Soetaert, C.

Springer Open


The authors undertook a scoping review on the experiences of Indigenous families and their children in accessing high quality, early learning and child care programs in Canadian urban settings. The authors identified key themes and attributes of quality early learning and child care in such settings.

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Quality and Educator Dispositions for Indigenous Families in the Urban Early Learning and Child Care Context: A Scoping Review.

Freeborn, C., Mardhani-Bayne, A., & Soetaert, C. (2023). Quality and Educator Dispositions for Indigenous Families in the Urban Early Learning and Child Care Context: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17(6), 1-36.

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