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Relation Between Methylmercury Exposure and Plasma Paraoxonase Activity in Inuit Adults from Nunavik


Ayotte, P., Carrier, A., Ouellet, N., Boiteau, V., Abdous, B., Laouan Sidi, E.A., Château-Degat, M.-L., & Dewailly, É.


This study aims to determine whether blood mercury levels are linked to decreased plasma paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activities in Inuit people from Nunavik who are highly exposed to mercury through their seafood-based diet. PON1 is an enzyme that may protect against cardiovascular heart disease. Results suggest that mercury exposure inhibits PON1 activity, but is offset by intake of selenium.

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Relationship Between Methylmercury Exposure and Plasma Paraoxonase Activity in Inuit Adults from Nunavik.

Ayotte, P., Carrier, A., Ouellet, N., Boiteau, V., Abdous, B., Laouan Sidi, EA, Château-Degat, M.-L., & Dewailly, É. (2011). Relationship between methylmercury exposure and plasma paraoxonase activity in Inuit adults from Nunavik. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119 (8), 1077-83.

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