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Video – Chapter 13 – Ascribed Health and Wellness, Achieved Health and Wellness – Shifting the Paradigm, with Madeleine Dion Stout

December 2016

In this video, contributor Madeleine Dion Stout describes a process of transformation in the health of Indigenous people in Canada as they move from a system of health that is ascribed, or imposed towards a state of optimal, achieved health based on Indigenous ways of knowing and being. This process has been accelerated by the urgent need to “do something” to transform the realities of tremendous health challenges currently experienced by disproportionate numbers of Indigenous people resulting from the impacts of colonization. This reality has spurred Indigenous peoples into action to construct their strengths-based and holistic solutions that are rooted in Indigenous perspectives of what it means to be healthy and well. Non-Indigenous people and organizations who are involved in this transformation must be informed and respectful of the cultural differences and unique needs of Indigenous peoples. This video relates to chapter 13 of the textbook Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social.

The NCCIH has developed Beyond the Social: Author Interviews, a series of eleven videos featuring interviews with some of the authors and editors of Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. The videos offer real-world insight and perspective that illuminate key concepts in the book, but they can also be used as stand-alone learning tools for anyone teaching or promoting Indigenous health and well-being. Follow the links below to view the other videos.

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