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Blood Mercury and Plasma polychlorinated biphenyls concentrations in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik: Temporal trends, 1992-2017


Adamou, T.Y., Riva, M., Muckle, G., Laouan Sidi, E.A., Lemire, M., & Ayotte, P.



The authors report trends in the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury concentrations in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik over the period 1992 to 2017 to determine the proportion of participants who exceeded the guidance values and the relations between marine country food intake and contaminant levels over the study period. Findings reveal decreasing concentrations of these contaminants, with decreasing consumption of marine country foods partially explaining these declines. This finding is a concern given the cultural and nutritional importance of these foods.

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Blood Mercury and Plasma polychlorinated biphenyls concentrations in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik: Temporal trends, 1992-2017

Adamou, T.Y., Riva, M., Muckle, G., Laouan Sidi, E.A., Lemire, M., & Ayotte, P. (2020). Blood mercury and plasma polychlorinated biphenyls concentrations in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik: Temporal trends, 1992-2017. Science of the Total Environment, 743, 140495.

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