Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

The Mount Polley Mine Spill: An Environmental Scan into Indigenous Holistic Approaches to Environmental Health and the Systems that Emerge in Canada and Australia


Doria, S.


This capstone project responds to a decision by the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas to reopen Mount Polley Mine after a devastating tailings pond breach. The author undertakes an environmental scan of research and literature that explores how Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia define health and environmental health, and identifies Indigenous approaches to environmental health that are rooted in their knowledge base and encompass Indigenous notions of health and well-being.

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The Mount Polley Mine Spill: An Environmental Scan into Indigenous Holistic Approaches to Environmental Health and the Systems that Emerge in Canada and Australia.

Doria, S. (2015). The Mount Polley Mine spill: An environmental scan into Indigenous holistic approaches to environmental health and the systems that emerge in Canada and Australia [Unpublished Master's capstone project]. Simon Fraser University.

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