Early Child Development Collection

Contributing to a National Early Learning and Child Care System in Canada: An Environmental Scan of Early Childhood Policy and Programs


Gorica, Y., Jalali-Kushki, Y., Wang, M., & Conforzi, J.

Sheridan College


The authors undertake a comprehensive assessment of early childhood policies and programs with the aim of identifying current research trends and practices in the ECE field; understanding the needs of the child care sector in Ontario; and identifying and cataloguing existing in-house expertise and the contribution of Sheridan faculty who have engaged in research, community engagement, advocacy, and publishing in the field of early childhood education. The authors include sections on Indigenous child care and community needs and on the needs of remote and rural communities.

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Contributing to a National Early Learning and Child Care System in Canada: An Environmental Scan of Early Childhood Policy and Programs.

Gorica, Y., Jalali-Kushki, Y., Wang, M., & Conforzi, J. (2023). Contributing to a national early learning and child care system in Canada: An environmental scan of early childhood policy and programs. SOURCE: Sheridan Institutional Repository, 3. 


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