Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Molecular Decolonization: An Indigenous Microcosm Perspective of Planetary Health


Redvers, N., Yellow Bird, M., Quinn, D., Yunkaporta, T., & Arabena, K.


The authors highlight an urgent need for Indigenous self-determination and the formal recognition of Indigenous knowledges as a critical foundation for planetary health. They define a process of Indigenous decolonization at a molecular level as a strategy for addressing global environmental challenges.

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Molecular Decolonization: An Indigenous Microcosm Perspective of Planetary Health.

Redvers, N., Yellow Bird, M., Quinn, D., Yunkaporta, T., & Arabena, K. (2020). Molecular decolonization: An Indigenous microcosm perspective of planetary health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4586.

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