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Indigenous Mental Health in a Changing Climate: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Global Literature


Middleton, J., Cunsolo, A., Jones-Bitton, A., Wright, C.J., & Harper, S.L.


This scoping review examines the ways in which Indigenous Peoples experience climate-sensitive mental health impacts and how their experiences may vary across socio-cultural contexts, geographic locations, and regional variations in climate change. Key findings can support Indigenous-driven initiatives and decision-making to enhance mental wellness in a changing climate.

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Indigenous Mental Health in a Changing Climate: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Global Literature.

Middleton, J., Cunsolo, A., Jones-Bitton, A., Wright, CJ, & Harper, SL (2020). Indigenous mental health in a changing climate: A systematic scoping review of the global literature. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (5), 053001.

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